Health and Beauty

Lactose Free Diet Review – Complete Guide, Foods to Avoid and Recipes

to'Lactose intolerance It is a health problem in the digestive system that affects many people around the world. It manifests itself in symptoms such as bloating, abdominal cramps, gas, and diarrhea. In this article I provide a complete guide to the lactose-free diet, foods to avoid and recipes to help you follow a lactose-free diet.


  • Lactose intolerance can lead to uncomfortable digestive symptoms such as bloating and cramping. A lactose-free diet involves eliminating foods containing lactose, especially dairy products, to relieve these symptoms.
  • It is essential to read food labels to identify hidden sources of lactose. Lactose-free alternatives, such as plant-based milks and mature cheeses, are available to maintain a balanced diet.

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What is a lactose-free diet?

the Lactose It is the sugar found in Milk And dairy products such as cheesethe yogurtthere generous And the ghee. It is also found in many other foods and as a binder in some pills and capsules.

Lactose-free diet, also called Milk-free diet or Lactose-free dietIt consists of eliminating these foods from your diet. This is mainly due to lactose intolerance, which occurs when the body does not produce enoughEnzyme Named Lactase To digest lactose.

to'lactase enzymeLocated in the wall of the small intestine, lactose is broken down into two simple sugars. These simple sugars can then be absorbed by the body and used as food.

Lactase production naturally decreases as the diet becomes more diverse, especially in people of African, Native American, Hispanic, Arab, and Asian descent. People of Northern European descent seem to retain lactase production longer.

In France, about 17% of the population suffers from lactose intolerance.
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Why should you follow a lactose-free diet?

Following a lactose-free diet can be beneficial for people with lactose intolerance, as it helps reduce the symptoms associated with this. Food intolerance. In fact, when lactase is absent, lactose passes into the intestine and causes Symptoms of lactose intolerance. Although these symptoms may be uncomfortable, it is important to note that they do not cause harm to the intestines.

When you stop consuming lactose, it has positive effects Digestive health They are often immediate and contribute to improving the quality of life of the people involved.

Understanding lactose intolerance

How do you know if you have lactose intolerance?

the Symptoms of lactose intolerance It can vary from person to person and usually appears between 30 minutes and two hours after consuming lactose.

The most common symptoms include:

If you suspect lactose intolerance, it is important to consult a healthcare professional who can guide you toward treatment. Intolerance tests Appropriate, such as a hydrogen breath test or blood test for lactose tolerance.

How to remove lactose from your diet

To remove lactose from your diet, you must first identify foods that contain lactose and replace them with lactose-free alternatives. It is also important to read food labels carefully.

Words to watch out for in the ingredient list: Pay attention and take a close look at the quantities if any of the following are on the ingredient list:

Lactose-free products : There are lactose-free plant-based milk alternatives, although they are sometimes called milk. It is made of:

The following ingredients also do not contain lactose :

  • Lactate (lactic acid);
  • Lactitol (sugar substitute);
  • lactic acid;
  • milk proteins;
  • Lactic acid/lactic acid fermentation bacteria (eg in sauerkraut);
  • Raising agents / binders / starches / thickeners.
Milky product
Although dairy products are often considered our “lifelong friends” when it comes to nutrition, for people with lactose intolerance, it is important to find other, more suitable food alternatives.
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Foods to avoid on a lactose-free diet

Here is a list of foods to avoid on a lactose-free diet:

Dairy products

  1. Milk : Whole, skimmed, semi-fat, 2%, fermented milk, sweetened condensed milk, powdered milk.
  2. cheese : Semi-hard, soft and fresh spreadable cheeses.
  3. yogurt : All types of yogurt that contain lactose.
  4. generous : Fresh cream, sour cream, ice cream.
  5. ghee : Avoid butter that contains lactose.

Other foods containing lactose

  • Bread and cereals : Breads, biscuits, cakes, pies, waffles, and cereals that contain dairy products.
  • Meat and its alternatives : Fried or creamed meats, some cold cuts and sausages.
  • Fats and oils Cream, sour cream, cream cheese, some types of margarine, salad dressing with cheese or milk.
  • drinks : Ovaltine, chocolate drink mixes, milk-based nutritional supplements (whey protein).
  • the soup Cream soups, canned and dried soup mixes that contain dairy products.
  • diverse : Cream or cheese sauces, savory cheese-flavored snacks, sugar substitutes with added lactose, and medications and vitamin/mineral supplements that contain lactose.
Food productpartLactose in grams per serving
ghee20 grams0.1
LardAny quantity0
GheeAny quantity0
Vegetable fats and oils, including coconut oilAny quantity0
Mozzarella 20% fat on solids100 grams3.3
Mascarpone30 grams1
cheese30 grams1
Cream cheese30 grams0.9
Parmesan cheese30 grams0
Most hard cheeses30 grams0
Latte macchiato125 ml5.4
cappuccino125 ml2.9
Skim milk powder10 grams5.1
Whole milk powder10 grams3.5
Milk cloud30 ml1.4
Sour cream (10% fat)25 grams0.9
Fresh cream (30% fat)25 grams0.6
generous15 grams0.5
whey150 ml7.1
Yogurt150 ml6
yoghurt150 grams6
yogurt150 grams4.8
Kefir150 grams5.4
White cheese30 grams1
Milk chocolate20 grams1.3
ice75 grams4.7
Fruit sorbet75 grams1.3
Creamy cheesecake120 grams2
growing70 grams1
Pound cake70 grams0.3
Milk 3.5% fat150 ml7.0
Sheep milk150 ml6.6
Goat's milk150 ml6.3
Soy milkAny quantity0
Summary table of the amount of lactose.

Lactose-free alternatives feed balanced

It is important to maintain a balanced diet and find lactose-free alternatives to make up for the nutrients one may miss by eliminating dairy products.

Lactose-free dairy products

  • Lactose-free plant milk : Soy milk, almond milk.
  • Lactose-free or very low cheeses : Aged cheese (Cheddar, Parmesan, Gruyère, Edam, Emmental, Gouda, Mimolette, Comté, Cantal, Tomé, Reblochon, Beaufort, Raclette, Saint-Pauline, Saint-Nectaire).
  • Lactose-free yogurt Yogurt made from lactose-free or plant-based milk.
  • Lactose-free creams : Vegetarian creams based on soy, almonds or oats.
  • Lactose-free butter Ghee without dairy derivatives.

Other lactose-free foods

  • vegetables : Fresh, frozen and canned vegetables without added milk or dairy products.
  • the fruit : Fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits.
  • Bread and cereals : Watery bread, rice cakes, popcorn, crackers, and dry and cooked cereals.
  • Meat and its alternatives : Meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, tofu, legumes (peas, beans, lentils).
  • Fats and oils : Vegetable oils, olives, most non-dairy creamers, mayonnaise, and dairy-free salad dressings.
  • drinks : Fruit and vegetable juices, tea, soft drinks, beer, wine, distilled spirits, and cocoa powder.
  • the soup Broth and soup made from meat or vegetables.
  • diverse : Popcorn, corn and regular potato chips, mustard, ketchup, pickles, and dairy-free sauces.

Lactose-free menu

Here are some lactose-free recipe ideas to help you adopt Lactose-free diet :


  • Porridge with oatmeal and almond milk, topped with fresh fruit and a touch of honey.
  • Red fruit juice made with almond or soy milk.
  • Lactose-free vegetable and cheese omelet.


  • Mixed salad with fresh vegetables, chickpeas, quinoa and vinegar.
  • Grilled chicken sandwich, avocado and mayonnaise, with crunchy vegetables.
  • Homemade vegetable soup without cream, served with bread.


  • Grilled or papillote fish, with rice and steamed vegetables.
  • Spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce, no cheese or cream added.
  • Vegetable and chickpea curry, served with basmati rice.


  • Dark chocolate mousse without cream, made with silken tofu.
  • Homemade fruit sorbet.
  • No-butter fruit tart, made with lactose-free shortcrust pastry.

Benefits and risks of a lactose-free diet

Health benefits

The main advantage of a lactose-free diet is its reduction Symptoms of lactose intolerance Such as bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gas. In addition, some studies suggest that a lactose-free diet may also help improve other aspects of digestive health, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Possible defects

A poor lactose-free diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies, especially calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for bone health. It is therefore important to make sure you replace dairy products Lactose-free alternatives Eat foods rich in these nutrients, such as green leafy vegetables, fatty fish, and fortified plant milk.

Tips for cooking without lactose

  • Replace milk with plant-based milks (almond, soy, rice) in your recipes;
  • Use lactose-free margarine instead of butter;
  • Try lactose-free cheeses and yogurts to retain the dairy fun.
  • Read food labels carefully to avoid hidden sources of lactose.

What to remember

Lactose intolerance from food can cause discomfort and change the quality of life for people who suffer from it. Adopting a lactose-free diet can help relieve these symptoms and improve digestive health. By avoiding foods high in lactose and choosing lactose-free alternatives, it is possible to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet.

It is important to consult a specialist feed And from here diet To ensure you get all the necessary nutrients when following a lactose-free diet. In addition, if you suspect that you may be lactose intolerant, it is important to consult a digestive health professional to undergo a lactose intolerance test and receive advice on how best to manage this condition.

Lactose Free Diet Review – Complete Guide, Foods to Avoid and Recipes

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