Health and Beauty

20 simple ideas to reduce your environmental impact

The period we are currently experiencing forces us to ask ourselves questions about our daily lives and the way we consume.

The desire to change is the first step towards better consumption. For anyone who wants to go this route, follow this guide to reduce their environmental impact…

Reduce your water consumption

Would you rather take a shower?

The first effort can be made in the bathroom. In fact, you prefer a shower rather than a bath (we divide m3 of water used widely). Why don't you shower as a couple if you are a couple? It is also possible to turn off the water while washing off the soap.

Clean your teeth

Brushing your teeth usually takes 3 minutes. Even if it is short, there is no point in leaving the tap running. Just water to rinse and why not use a cup.


Few people know that flushing the toilet uses at least 5 liters of water. So make sure your toilet is working properly. One squeeze usually removes whatever is in the bowl; Otherwise, there is an adjustment error. The amount of water released can be adjusted by opening the tank. If you're not a handyman, don't hesitate to call a friend or plumber. Likewise, if your toilet is leaking, this is a problem that needs to be addressed to avoid waste.

Watering the garden

For gardening enthusiasts, invest in a rainwater harvesting device. Now these tanks have been designed and have become a decorative element in themselves in the garden. So you won't be using potable tap water to water your plants, vegetable gardens and lawns.

washing machine

The washing machine also consumes a lot of water. That's why it's important to wait until you have enough laundry before running the washing machine. We are often told that we need to build too many machines depending on the type of laundry; While in itself you only need one machine for darks, one for light, one for sweaters and cardigans, and a final machine for towels/tea towels.

Reduce your electricity consumption

washing machine

We continue with the washing machine. 30°C is enough to wash your clothes effectively. If your machine is brand new, you should probably have a 30-minute economy program. Additionally, if the spin is effective, you won't need to use the dryer. You can simply extend it.


We can never say enough even if it's obvious: turn off the lights every time you leave the room and use low-energy bulbs. It's true that a few years ago, these bulbs gave off a very white light and took a long time to actually light up. Today it has evolved greatly, especially in the choice of light colors and especially with regard to the speed of ignition.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices consume electricity even when they are in standby mode. Therefore it is important to turn it off. The only problem is that some devices no longer have an on/off button, especially TVs. The solution is to use sockets with switches.

household appliance

If your home appliances have the problem, first try to fix it by asking around or by watching online tutorials. If, despite your efforts, you have to change this, choose products with a consumption limit such as A+, A++, A+++ Of course you will buy them at a higher price at that time, but the difference will appear on the bill.

The heating

Maintain a maximum of 20°C in your apartment in winter (we always tend to turn up the heating to 25°C). Not only will you sleep better, you'll be doing your planet and your wallet a favor. A little tip: If you feel a little cold in the evening, it's probably because you're tired, so instead of turning up the heat: wear a jacket.

to cook

And in our kitchen too, we can save electricity. For example: Cover the pot so the water boils more quickly. Preheat the oven to reduce cooking time.

  • Wipe the pan before use. If the pan is wet, a layer of water and steam prevents the heat from spreading from the plate well.
  • It is also important to choose a pan that is appropriate for the size of the food: a pan that is too large or too high will waste a lot of heat through the 'radiant' effect. For the same reason, avoid cooking food in excess water.
  • Do not use a pan whose bottom is not completely flat. A poor connection to the burner wastes a lot of energy.
  • Do not use a board wider than its bottom.
Using cast iron pots or pans, turn off the dish a few minutes before the end of cooking to take advantage of residual heat.
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Reduce your consumption of plastic and packaging

Home maintenance

In the supermarket, the shelves are filled with all kinds of products: for windows, for floors, one for bathrooms, another for the kitchen, and so on. Lots of packaging to be disposed of. In short, there is nothing easier to make your own products: you will find all the recipes On the web. In the end, you will discover that we mainly need: white vinegar and baking soda. Natural and inexpensive products that you will find in reusable containers. Not only will you do good for the planet because there are no chemical ingredients and much less waste, but you'll also save money: everyone wins. For the most motivation, you can go so far as to make your own laundry detergent and dishwasher powder.

Food preservation

Use reusable glass boxes. Personally, I have a closet full of these boxes: round, square, rectangular, high or low, large, medium and small. I have all the capabilities, so I avoid using cellophane or aluminum foil. It's better to choose glass instead of plastic: if you reheat the dish in the microwave, the plastic may be toxic. In addition, it changes color depending on the food you put in it. Glass is truly infinitely reusable.

Reduce packaging

Many stores prefer bulk products, and even large supermarkets are starting to do so. So use recyclable bags or take your own jars directly.

Wholesale store
Bulk, a new phenomenon of environmentally responsible consumption for sustainable development without waste
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Body hygiene

As for beauty and hygiene products, some make them at home as well. Although we can't do everything as well, we can also make small adjustments in our bathroom. Use fewer different cosmetics. We often have drawers full of them, but we always use the same ones. So choose products you use frequently and choose an ethical brand.

In terms of food?

Consume local

Buy local and seasonal produce, especially fresh produce such as fruits/vegetables. Not only will this be better for your health, because the products will be of better quality because they haven't crossed half the planet, but you will also allow neighboring producers to live right.

You have a green thumb

Why not grow fruits and vegetables in your garden or on your balcony? Some of them don't require a lot of maintenance or a lot of space. Obviously, do not add any toxic products.


As for eggs, if you can buy them organic it is always better. But at least Category 1 eggs, i.e. those raised outdoors, are preferred. In fact, free-range chickens eat less grains made from imported soybeans and palm oil.

Eat less meat

To produce meat, there is a large consumption of water and oil. So maybe it's not necessary to ban it, especially if you like it, but reduce your consumption gradually. When you really want to eat it, take it from good quality (organic, red label, Blue white heart) and of French origin.



Prefer public transport where possible or cycling. Avoid the car for short trips and if you're going for the weekend: take the train.

20 simple ideas to reduce your environmental impact

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