Health and Beauty

Which ones can we still consume?

It's hard to navigate between no-waste orders and hygiene concerns… You've probably already found yourself facing a difficult dilemma in front of your fridge: Can I eat this yogurt?

Should this pork steak end up on my plate or in the trash? Is a bag of frozen spinach forgotten at the bottom of the freezer still edible? Let's sort the truth from the falsehood regarding expired foods together. We will then see a list of foods that do not have an expiration date and some tips to avoid waste.

Reducing food waste: an issue that concerns us all

When it comes to hygiene, we know it's best not to take risks to avoid getting food poisoning, or worse.

However, this is no reason to systematically throw away foods that are a few days past their expiration date in the trash.

We all know the challenges of food waste, which is a real scourge in our current society.

according to'AdimEnvironment and Energy Management Agency: “Nearly 10 million tons of consumer food is wasted every year in France.”
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The first instinct is, of course, to limit damage by planning ahead when shopping, cooking leftovers, freezing portions, and donating to people in need.

However, no one can completely eliminate the risk of obtaining an expired product.

Let's start with a quick point about the different types of expiration dates:

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This is the use-by date. When exceeded, eating may pose health risks.

And it targets Perishable fresh foodsWhich poses a potential health risk when it deteriorates, especially due to the development of dangerous bacteria.


This is the best before date. It is also called MDD (Maximum Durability Date). After this date, the taste and sensory qualities of the product are not guaranteed, but its consumption does not pose a risk to the body.

MDD relates to long-life products: dried, smoked, sterilized, freeze-dried, frozen and hard frozen foods.

DLC food
The phrase “to be consumed by” is indicated on perishable products with bacteriological risks. This date is the expiration date of the DLC.
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The reason depends on the food category

To avoid making a mistake, follow these recommendations and use common sense! If food looks or smells questionable, don't take any chances.

Meat and fish

We do not risk meat, cold cuts and fish. When the deadline passes, you are exposing yourself to nice bacteria like salmonellosis, listeria, staphylococcus, etc.

Same thing for freshly cooked dishes: throw them away! “Especially those containing sauces and creams, that is, the vast majority of cooked dishes, which should be eaten immediately,” warns nutritionist Christine Chechiborich-Ayyash, in the columns of the Evening Edition.

Frozen foods

This is no problem for frozen foods that can be consumed without problem several months after the expiration date. This is also the case for freeze-dried products (soups, sauces, etc.).

Dairy products

It all depends on the type of milk. In the case of raw milk, it is prohibited to exceed the specified date. Pasteurized milk, like most yoghurts, can be consumed for up to eight weeks after the expiry date (provided it looks and smells good).

“For cheeses, especially those bought from cheesemongers, we avoid them! More broadly, we must be vigilant about preserving everything bought by the cut.”


It is better to be careful with eggs. Provided the peel is not broken or cracked and has not been exposed to water (the peel then becomes permeable), it can generally be consumed 3 to 4 weeks after the expiration date.

? If there is any doubt before eating the egg, a quick test can be done to ensure it is still edible.

How do you know an expired egg?
You probably know this grandma's trick: just immerse the egg in cold water and make sure it doesn't float. Otherwise, choose a trash can to avoid the risk of food poisoning or bacterial infection.
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Tin cans

Cans can be consumed years after the expiration date! You may have already noticed that it is the favorite food of survivors in disaster movies.

However, care must be taken to ensure that the box does not bulge, as there is a risk of infection of the product with germs and thus food poisoning, among other things.

Sweet products

The vast majority of biscuits, pastries, sweets, chocolates, cereals, etc. are consumed several weeks after the expiry date. There is no risk to your health, but the products may be less tasty… except for honey and powdered or cubed sugar, which retain the same properties for years.


The same applies to powdered spices, which can be consumed without risk months after the expiration date. On the other hand, of course, its density and aroma may be affected.

9 foods that will never spoil

Raw honey (also called raw honey)

The ancient Greeks called it “the nectar of the gods” for its many virtues and applications. Honey is used to treat wounds in some cultures because of its ability to naturally fight bacteria.

What is her greatest quality? Never ending! In fact, it is not uncommon for archaeologists to find honey jars that are thousands of years old in ancient Egyptian tombs. How is that possible ? As journalist Natasha Gilling explains to us in: Smithsonian : “Sugar, low humidity, high acidity, natural gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide are the keys to longevity.”


Is there anything apple cider vinegar can't do? In addition to having an incredible amount of health benefits, such as aiding in weight loss or being a natural remedy for an upset stomach, it can also remain in your pantry with no time limit.

Apple cider vinegar
The vinegar keeps on its own and does not need to be refrigerated.
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Corn Starch

Depending on how you store cornstarch, it definitely deserves a place on our list of foods that don't have an expiration date. As long as it's not wet (causing the starch molecules to bond with hydrogen molecules) and stored in a cool, dry place, you won't need to repurchase another package of cornstarch for a very long time.


Pure sodium chloride has been around for billions of years, so it's not surprising that it lasts indefinitely. It is also often used to protect food from mold and bacteria, allowing it to be preserved for a longer period.

This phenomenon is caused by osmosis: this occurs when water is extracted from the food by the salt itself, creating an environment that is too dry for mold and bacteria to grow.


Not to be confused with canned vegetables or fresh beans, dried beans are also foods that last forever, provided they are stored in airtight containers.

Expiry date of legumes
Legumes, also called legumes (beans, kidney beans, dried peas, chickpeas, lentils, etc.) are made to last! However, the longer it is stored, the more it needs to be cooked.
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Like salt, sugar can keep for years if stored away from sources of moisture and heat. This longevity doesn't just apply to raw (unrefined) sugar, granulated white sugar, white sugar cubes, brown cane sugar and sugar substitutes have an unlimited shelf life (although their consistency may change).

Strong alcohol

Liquor and hard alcohol are only truly perishable when kept in a cool, unopened place. So no, you can't open that bottle of rum and drink it again years later.

After being exposed to air for the first time, it may begin to lose its flavor and structure due to oxidation. Alcohol can also be changed if exposed to extreme weather conditions, intense light or heat.

Uncooked white rice

Whether you store uncooked white rice in the cabinets, in the refrigerator, or in the freezer, you won't have to repurchase it.

Brown rice escapes this rule, because its oil content is higher. This oil can spoil, so its shelf life is reduced to approximately six months.

Pure maple syrup

Unopened maple syrup can be stored for any length of time. However, if you open it, you will need to refrigerate it.

Coffee expiration date
Coffee can be stored for many years after its best before date (BBD). However, it can lose its scent over time. Please note that it should always be stored in an airtight container (to prevent it from absorbing the odors of other foods), preferably away from light.
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Freezing fresh foods. Freezing is a great way to stop spoilage and extend the life of foods that would otherwise spoil and be thrown away. Frozen foods will last longer because bacteria and other pathogens cannot grow at very low temperatures.

Cut the fruit. It is one of the most common food items that gets eliminated very quickly. Fruits such as damaged apples, overripe bananas, and citrus fruits such as oranges and clementines that have dried can be used in various recipes (compotes, cakes, etc.).

Organize your refrigerator. It's a fact that foods that are out of sight are often forgotten, so keep the most perishable items prominently displayed on the top shelves. Some foods also last longer in the appropriate parts of your refrigerator. And if you really want to plan ahead, keep a list of items closest to their expiration date.

Refrigerator storage batch cooking
Storing your food in airtight containers allows you to have a better organized refrigerator, but also to preserve your food optimally.
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Extending the life of vegetables. There are tips to extend the shelf life of vegetables, such as wrapping broccoli in a damp paper towel, storing celery in aluminum foil instead of plastic, or placing asparagus in a cup with 2 cm of water.

Make compost. Composting pantry staples or packaged foods like bread is a great way to recycle food without contributing to more waste.

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(tags for translation)Reducing food waste: an issue that concerns us all
Which ones can we still consume?

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