Health and Beauty

How to get broad shoulders?

Have you ever noticed how broad shoulders can change your figure? They give the impression of strength, balance and aesthetics. It's a sign of hard training and well-executed bodybuilding. But how do you expand your shoulders? What exercises do you prefer? How to correct possible asymmetry? How to avoid injuries? There are many questions that I will try to answer in this article.

Why do you want to expand your shoulders?

the Broad shoulders It is often associated with an image of strength and masculinity. They contribute to the balance of the silhouette and give the impression of strength. In addition, it represents a great aesthetic asset, both for men and women. In fact, broad and rounded shoulders highlight the rest of the body and give the impression of overall harmony.

But apart from the aesthetic aspect, well-developed shoulders are also a guarantee of good health. They contribute to good posture and help prevent some back pain. In addition, they are essential for many daily movements.

Deltoid functions

the Deltoid (The muscles that make up the shoulders) are an essential part of our body, and have many important functions that go beyond aesthetics.

  • Adduction and abduction Adduction is the movement that brings the arm closer to the body, while abduction is the movement that moves the arm away from the body.
  • Flexion and extension Shoulder flexion is the movement that brings the arm closer to the chest, while extension is the movement that moves the arm away from the chest.
  • Internal and external rotation Internal rotation is the movement that turns the arm inward, while external rotation is the movement that turns the arm outward.

Exercises to expand physical fitness

To increase the build, it is necessary to work the three deltoid muscle bundles: anterior, middle and posterior. Here are some exercises that will allow you to target these three areas.

  1. Military press : This multi-joint exercise is ideal for working the anterior deltoid muscle. It involves raising the bar above the head, starting from the position where the bar is at neck level. Don't forget to fasten your abdominal belt to protect your back.
  2. Side elevations : This single-joint movement targets the middle deltoid muscle. This is done standing with a dumbbell in each hand. The arms are straight and the dumbbells are raised sideways to shoulder height.
  3. the bird : This isolation exercise targets the posterior deltoid muscle. It is performed standing, leaning slightly forward, with a dumbbell in each hand. The arms are straight and the dumbbells are raised sideways, as if you want to fly. It is important to keep your back straight during exercise to avoid injury.
Develop broad, strong shoulders with this unbeatable military press exercise.
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As an additional tip, I want to tell you about an often overlooked but incredibly effective exercise for shoulder development: the face pull.

The face pull is a pulling exercise that primarily targets the posterior deltoids and back of the shoulder as well as the upper back muscles. This is a great complement to traditional shoulder exercises, because it works an often neglected area.

To perform this exercise, you will need a rope attached to a pulley placed at head height. Grasp each end of the rope with your hands, step back until your arms are straight in front of you, then pull the rope toward your face while straightening your arms. You should feel the contraction in the back of your shoulders and upper back.

One of the great benefits of a face lift is that it helps improve body posture. By strengthening the posterior deltoids and upper back, it helps balance the upper body muscles, which are often dominated by the chest and front of the shoulders. This can help reduce the risk of injury and improve the appearance of your shoulders.

So, next time you work out, don't forget to include several sets of face lifts in your session. Your shoulders will thank you!

Effective condensation techniques

To effectively develop your shoulders, it is important to incorporate condensation techniques into your training. Here are some techniques you can use.

Decreasing series

This technique involves starting with a heavy weight that you can lift for a certain number of repetitions, then reducing the weight and continuing the repetitions until the muscle fails.


The kiss consists of performing two different exercises without interruption. For example, you can do a pair of lateral raises and military presses to work different sides of your shoulders.

Partial exercises

This technique involves doing only part of the movement, and is usually the most difficult. For example, for a military press, you can only do the part of the movement where you press the bar above your head.

Mistakes to avoid

When you're looking to expand your shoulders, it's easy to fall into certain traps. Here are some mistakes to avoid.

Neglecting the warm-up process

Warming up is an essential step in any exercise. It helps prepare muscles for exercise and reduces the risk of injury. Before starting shoulder exercises, take time to do some warm-up movements.

Forget recovery

Recovery is as important as the exercise itself. At this stage, muscles are rebuilding and growing. So make sure you get plenty of rest between training sessions and eat well to promote recovery.

It is also important to consider that the shoulders are used during many other exercises, especially those targeting the chest and back. For example, during bench presses or push-ups, the anterior deltoid (front part of the shoulder) is heavily used. Likewise, during back pulling exercises, such as pull-ups or rows, the posterior deltoids (the back of the shoulder) are used.

This means that even if you're not doing specific shoulder exercises, you may already be tired from training your chest and back. Therefore, it is necessary to give them enough time to recover.

To avoid overloading your shoulders, you can, for example, organize your strength training program so that you do not work your chest and shoulders on the same day, or leave a day of rest between your back and shoulder exercises. This way you ensure that your shoulders have time to recover and reduce the risk of injury.

Work only on the shoulders

If you want to broaden your shoulders, it is important to train your entire upper body. In fact, broad shoulders on a weakly muscular body will give a disproportionate result. So don't forget to also exercise your back, chest and arms.

What to remember

Getting fit shoulders is a process that takes time and patience. You must be regular and systematic in your training, work the front, sides and back of the shoulder in a balanced way and of course have a proper diet so that they are well defined!

How to get broad shoulders?

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