Health and Beauty

Find out how this simple routine can boost your health

How many steps do you take every day? 10000? 5000? Or maybe less? For a long time, the 10,000 daily steps mark was considered the ultimate goal for maintaining good health. But a new meta-analysis has been published(1) August 9, 2023 will shake that idea. According to the latter, even a little less than 4000 steps a day It can significantly reduce the risk of death from all causes. So, what are the real challenges of daily walking? How can this simple and accessible activity change our health? Let's dive into the details.

Benefits of walking

One could say that to walk is to live. According to research, walking 3967 steps Every day can reduce your risk of death from any cause. And if you walk 2337 steps daily, you can reduce your risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

These numbers are well below the common goal of 10,000 steps. So why this obsession with 10,000 steps? Maybe it's a round, easy-to-remember number. But science shows us that even smaller goals can have a big impact on our lives longevity.

Impact on cardiovascular health

Walking is not only good for your life expectancy; It is also good for our heart. Walk a little like 2500 steps Daily can improve heart health and 4000 steps Daily intake can significantly reduce the risk of death.

Daily walking can also reduce your risk of developing some chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, as well as cancer, diabetes, and dementia.

These numbers are encouraging, especially for those who may feel discouraged by the 10,000-step goal. You don't have to walk miles to take care of your heart. A little effort every day can make a big difference.

Young and old: a different perspective

Walking is not only beneficial for a certain age group. It offers benefits for all ages:

  • Benefits for youth Young people who walk 7,000 to 13,000 steps per day see a 49% reduction in their risk of premature death.
  • Benefits for seniors Regular walking can also be beneficial for older people. Walking 6,000 to 10,000 steps a day reduces this risk by 42%.
Walking just 4,000 steps a day reduces the death rate
Image credit © Depositphotos

Walking more: Is it always better?

The meta-analysis shows that even at 20,000 steps per day, the health benefits continue to increase. There is no clear upper limit to the benefits of walking.

The study confirms that “the more you walk, the better.” This statement applies to both men and women, regardless of their age, and regardless of the climatic zone of the world in which they live.

The last word

Walking is more than just a way to get around. It is a powerful tool for improving our health and longevity. Whether you walk 4,000 steps or 10,000 steps, every step counts. As Professor Maciej Banach, lead author of the study, said: “The more you walk, the better.”

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Find out how this simple routine can boost your health

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