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Strength training programs for legs and buttocks

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Training tips : Do not neglect preparation before carrying out your session. Before doing the first exercise, start with some joint warm-up, then do a specific warm-up: 2 or 3 light series of the first exercise, increasing the load, until you reach the effective load that you will maintain to perform your exercise. series. Take a maximum of 5 minutes of rest between each exercise. As the training weeks progress, remember to increase the load according to your RPE. Perform one full leg session each week. It will be possible to perform the session focusing on the quadriceps (Program 3), and the one focusing on the hamstrings (Program 4), i.e. 2 sessions per week, provided that 3 days of rest are left between the two sessions. If intensity is respected, it will be sufficient to ensure progress.

  • Click on the exercise title for a detailed explanation of performing the movement.
  • Click on the icon temporary To start a countdown of the remaining rest time before your next set.
  • To calculate your fees, use this correspondence table to help you. RPE / number of repetitions.

Standard Beginner Program

Lower body training isn't always the most popular. The legs are made up of very strong muscles, and they are able to work with very heavy loads!

Quadriceps press exercise for bodybuilding
Front lunges for quadriceps strength training
Bodybuilding Hack-Squat Exercises - Calf Extensions

Classic training program

Although there are a large number of exercises to strengthen your legs, some are more effective than others. These are compound/multi-joint exercises like squats. Once mastering these movements is no longer a problem, they should be present in every one of your sessions, just as you cannot imagine a good chest session without a push-up, or a good back session without a pull-up.


Leg squat program
Leg curls, hamstrings, and bodybuilding exercises
Front lunges for quadriceps strength training
Bodybuilding exercise seated leg extension machine

A special program for the thigh muscles

Are you tired of having chicken legs? Here's a shock program to char your quadriceps and force them to develop!


Leg squat program
Quadriceps extension exercise in bodybuilding

Smith squat machine

Place your feet forward so that your legs form an almost right angle.

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • RPE8
  • Do slow repetitions
  • Rest time 1 minute 30
Quadriceps strengthening exercise using a Smith squat machine

Bench climbs

  • 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg (alternating or one leg at a time)
  • RPE8
  • Rest time 1 minute 30
Bodybuilding exercise quadriceps bench press

Special program for hamstrings

The hamstrings are unfortunately muscles that are often forgotten in training programs. If you play sports such as soccer, tennis, or track and field, muscle imbalance may be the cause of the injury. Below is a program that will allow you to keep up with the muscular development of these major muscles in the posterior chain, or simply raise the level of muscular development.

Deadlifts for straight legs and strength training for hamstrings
Seated hamstring curl machine exercise
Unilateral leg curl exercise for hamstrings in bodybuilding

He walked forward lunges

  • 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg (alternating or one leg at a time)
  • RPE8
  • Take long strides to highlight the work of your hamstrings
  • Rest time 1 minute 30
Front lunges for quadriceps strength training

Special glutes program

This anti-flat buttocks bodybuilding program will not only allow you to strengthen your buttocks, but it will also allow you to develop that famous plumpness to get beautiful, well-rounded buttocks.


Leg squat program
Romanian deadlift for hamstrings

Hip thrust

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • RPE8
  • Do slow repetitions and contract your glutes well at the end of the movement
  • Rest time 1 minute 30
Hips thrust glutes
Pull through the pulley exercise for glutes

A program to strengthen the legs and buttocks at home

Do you think you necessarily need complex machines to work your legs effectively? Think again! All you need are a few dumbbells (or a kettlebell), and a weight bench (optional). If you are training without equipment in survival mode, use one or two water bottles depending on the exercises to increase difficulty.

Squat exercise for the quadriceps muscle in bodybuilding
Front lunges for quadriceps strength training
Romanian Deadlift with Kettlebell Posterior Chain Exercise
Bulgarian squat for quadriceps in bodybuilding
Calf extension on a bodybuilding ladder step

RPE / Correspondence table number of iterations

RPE table
Estimated number of repetitions based on RPE (rate of perceived exertion), in French The level of effort you felt.
Table credit ©

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(tags for translation)Standard program for beginners
Strength training programs for legs and buttocks

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